Public outreach and education
To educate the public about grade-crossing safety, the company actively supports Operation Lifesaver, a national, nonprofit education and awareness program dedicated to ending tragic collisions, fatalities and injuries at highway-rail grade crossings and on railroad rights of way.
Since 2015, employee volunteers from G&W railroads have made more than 2,400 Operation Lifesaver presentations to more than 350,000 schoolchildren, school bus and truck drivers, law enforcement personnel, first responders and other individuals to discuss the importance of rail-crossing safety.
Here’s what you can do to stay safe around trains…

Never trespass on any railroad property or right of way!
Doing so is illegal and risks serious injury or death.
Cross only at designated pedestrian or roadway crossings!
Look for a train moving from either direction – and then look for a second train from either direction.
Always expect a train!
Trains do not have set schedules and can approach from either direction at any time of day or night.
Trains do not take holidays.
Don’t stand next to tracks!
Trains can overhang the tracks by three feet on either side, and straps and tiedowns can extend even further.
Never try to beat a train!
Because of their size, you cannot judge a train’s speed or distance. Trains cannot make sudden stops. Remember that a locomotive weighs 200 tons. An automobile being hit by a train is equivalent to a soda can being hit by an automobile.
Operation Lifesaver presentations
People reached